Ref.: 1481
- Age: 2001
- Max size: 520x740 mm
- Impress count: 90 mio
- Machine type: 4 colors
- Condition: good
- Availability: at once
- Reserved: Yes
? Year of manufacture 2001, assembly 2002 (first owner);
Print 4+0;
Counter: 90 Mio impressions;
Max. paper size 520 x 740 mm;
Min. paper size 210 x 297 mm;
Thickness 0,08 - 1,2 mm;
Print area size 510 x 730 mm;
Plate size 557 x 743 mm / Thickness 0,30 mm;
Blanket size 745 x 630 mm / Thickness 1,90 mm;
Dimensions: L x W x H ( 7,5 x 2,5 x 1,9 ) m;
Weight 12500 kg;
Accessories included:
PWHA Semi-automatic plate change;
Powder sprayer WEKO;
IR dryer;
Alcohol dampening Baldwin;
Automatic washing of rubber (disassembled but included);
No damages or repairs on cylinders and gears;
The machine printed exclusively on enameled paper.
In production.
Price on request