MAN Roland R704 3B
Ref.: 1542
- Age: 2004
- Max size: 740 x 1040 mm
- Impress count: 296 mio
- Machine type: 4 colors
- Condition: working
- Availability: at once
- Sold: Yes
MAN Roland R704 3B machine 31293B;
Including sheet cutting device MABEG type RS 104 machine No. 54876 and Roland InlineSheeter;
4 colors machine 2+2;
Sheet Size: 740 x 1040 mm;
Number of impressions: 296 mio;
Plate Change - manual;
RCI: Remote Control Desk;
Rolandmatic Dampening;
Technotrans Cooling Device;
Grafix: Powder Sprayer;
Automatic blanket washing device;
Preset: Automatic Adjustment of Size;
The perfector has never been used that's why it does not work;
2 cylinders were damaged but repaired by Roland (insurance);
There is the rollers cooling system but it does not work due to the damage shown in the photo.
The dampening solution circulation works.
The machine is no longer used in production.
Price on request