Ref.: 1764
- Age: 2011
- Max size: 788 x 600 mm
- Impress count: 51 mio
- Machine type: 5 colors
- Condition: good
- Availability: at once
The total number of sheets: 51,107,772;
Number of sheets printed: 39,197,576;
Max. sheet size: 788 x 600 mm;
Min. sheet size: 279 x 200 mm;
Table dimensions: 1400 x 560 mm;
Dimensions: 7637 x 2473 x 21 mm;
Weight: 17,800 kg;
Straight machine;
Semi-auto plate;
Technotrans cooling device;
Grafix powder spray;
CIP3 software not included with PC;
Disassembly performed by the service;
Before disassembly, the machine was started - working does not raise any objections.
Price on request