Three-knife trimmer KOLBUS HD140p
Ref.: 1531
- Age: 2000
- Max size: 305 x 420 mm
- Impress count: 444 515 231 "cuts"
- Machine type: Three-knife trimmers
- Condition: good
- Availability:
- Sold: Yes
KOLBUS HD140p with serial number 328 and year of construction 2000;
Current run: 44 515 231 "cuts"
Format max. (a x b x c): 305 x 420 x 80 mm;
Format min. (a x b x c): 100 x 100 x 2 mm;
Size trimmed: max 300 x 400 mm / min 100 x 100 mm;
Book block thickness: max 80 mm / min 2 mm;
Feeding height 80 mm;
Speed max 3.900 c/h;
Length 2.400 mm;
Width 3.060 mm;
Height 1.740 mm;
Weight 5.290 kg (approx.);
In production.
Price on request