Ref.: 1671
- Age: 1989
- Max size: 720x1020 mm (28.3"x40.2")
- Impress count: 51898 hours
- Machine type: Die Cutters
- Condition: good
- Availability: at once
- Sold: Yes
Counter: 51898 hours;
Max. sheet format 1020 x 720 mm;
Min. sheet format 400 x 350 mm;
Pressing force 2.5 MN (250 tones);
Steel plate in feeder and delivery;
Solid cardboard up to 2000 gsm capability;
Corrugated up to 4 mm thickness;
Max. speed 7500 sheets/hour;
Quick lock system;
Suction head feeder;
Cutting section;
Stripping section;
1 die-cut mold frame in the machine + 2 spare;
Technical documents.
Weight 19000 Kg;
The machine has been regularly serviced and is in very good working condition.
40000 EUR FCA