MAN Roland R 308 N
Ref.: 1712
- Age: 1999
- Max size: 590 x 740 mm
- Impress count: 123 mio
- Machine type: 8 colors
- Condition: good
- Availability: at once
Counter 123 mil. impressions;
Perfector Position: 8/0, 2/6, 4/4;
Max. sheet size 590 x 740 mm;
Min. sheet size 260 x 400 mm;
Image area 590 x 735 mm;
Printing plate size 675 x 740 mm;
Printing thickness 0,04 -0,6 mm;
Max. speed 15.000 sh/h;
Mabeg stream feeder;
Automatic sheet setting (auto size);
Automatic sheet pressure setting;
RCI Press Control for paint, registers, and diagnostics;
CPL - automatic plate change system;
Roller and blanket and Impression cylinder washing device;
Technotrans refrigeration unit;
Powder Spray Grafix;
All books and manuals;
Cylinders are free of damages;
In production.
Price on request