Sakurai Oliver 572 ED II
Ref.: 1732
- Age: 2002
- Max size: 520 x 720 mm
- Impress count: about 60 mio
- Machine type: 5 colors
- Condition: good
- Availability: at once
- Sold: Yes
5 colors + Coater;
Max. sheet size: 520 x 720 mm;
Max. speed: 13,000 sh/h;
Automatic washing dives for rollers, impression cylinders, blanket cylinders;
Semi-auto plate change;
Electronic and mechanical double sheet detector;
Technotrans alpha d.;
Color console with remote Register;
Chamber coating Harris & Bruno;
High pile delivery;
Extended delivery;
IR dryer;
Powder sprayer device: Grafix;
Length x Width x Height, mm : 7940 x 2640 x 1756 mm;
Weight, kg - 21000;
In production.
Price on request