Ref.: 1762
- Age: 2015
- Max size: 530 x 750 mm
- Impress count: 86 mio
- Machine type: 4 colors
- Condition: perfect
- Availability: at once
Offset printing machine KOMORI LITHRONE LS-429H with low-energy UV curing (H-UV);
No. of printing units 4;
Max sheet size 530 x 750 mm;
Max printing size 520 x 736 mm;
Min sheet size 257 x 364 mm;
Substrate thickness 0,06 – 0,8 mm;
Plate size 0,3 x 605 x 745 mm;
Max printing speed 16 000 sheets/h;
No. Of impressions: 86 mln;
System CIP 3,4 DIPS PrintFlow;
Density color control X-Rite EasyTrax D 29” with PrintFlow software;
Auto-cleaning impression and blanket cylinders /IMPACT/;
Auto-cleaning of ink rollers (twin nozzle for solvent and water);
Preset of substrate thickness;
Preset of paper format;
Full-APC – automatic plate changing;
Skeleton transfer cylinders;
Bridge rollers;
Possibility to “delta” efect turn off;
Technotrans Alpha.c-90-4E;
Low energy H-UV curing;
In production.
Price on request