Ref.: 1795
- Age: 2004
- Max size: 1700 x 1370 mm
- Machine type: CTP-Systems
- Condition: good
- Availability: at once
Standard CTP system;
1904 working hours;
2353 plates (October 2024);
Workstation PC;
Harlequin RIP;
Unigraf Plate processor for conventional plates, can be used for AGFA Azura or similar;
Max.plate size: 1700x1370 mm;
Min. plate size: 500x400 mm;
Max. image size: 1680x1370 mm;
Resolutions: 2.400 dpi;
Exposure procedure: 64 Laser diodes - 830 nm Thermal;
Technology: Laser diodes;
Productivity/Speed: 244 mm/min.;
Plate type: Thermal;
Plate thickness: 0,15 - 0,50 mm;
Dimensions: 3000 x 1495 x 1650 mm;
Weight approx.: 1400 kg;
Still in production: Yes;
Test possible: Yes;
Complete and in working condition: Yes;
Available: Upon agreement.
Price on request