About company
AAA-PRINT Sp. Z о.о. is a company which identified itself as the seller of printing equipment from Europe on the secondary market.
In 1995 we founded the Cherkassy Information Systems Company in Ukraine.
In 2015 we have opened our branch office in Poland with a company name AAA-PRINT Sp. Z о.о. and continue to work on this market with success.
Our central office is in the city of Warsaw, Poland. In Ukraine we owned storage and manufacturing facilities covers the area of over 2500 square metres.
We have been working in the printed products market for over 20 years and have a great experience in this field, as well as many clients and friends.
We export equipment from Europe to India, Turkey, Pakistan, China, South America, Africa and other countries.
In the News & Gallery section you can find out about the latest loadings of machines were sold.
We provide dismantlement, loading services and accept equipment for storage.
Depending on the arrangements with our clients, we conduct transactions on different terms EXW, FCA, CFR, CIF (Incoterms 2010).
Our team makes a professional dismantling and loading of equipment on any vehicle.
These are high-skilled mechanics and electronics engineers with high experience in this field.
For any further questions contact our managers.
We are grateful to all our customers and looking forward to working with new ones.